Mary Poppins Show Tech 2025

Owen A.
Emma B.
Caetlyn B.
Isaac B.
Gavin C.
Vella C.
Tanner C.
Kaelyn G.
Giuseppe J.
Sadie K.
Megan L.
Juliet M.
Lillian M.
Isabella N.
Anna N.
Delainey S.
Kyle S.
Charlotte S.  
Riley W.
Cate W.


Tech Crew Club 


What We Will Be Doing:
We will address different topics of tech crew.  We will have

guest speakers and demonstrate equipment and discuss common tech crew positions such as sound engineer, microphone technician, lightboard, follow spot, stage hand and stage manager.  Students will learn sound, light and stage cues and how to make cue books.  We will tour the middle school theater space. 


When We Meet: 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 @ 4:15-5:30pm

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 4:15-5:30pm

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 @ 4:15-5:30pm


The following dates are for the show Tech Crew only:   

Friday 2/28: Paper Tech 4:15-6:15 

Saturday 3/1: Tech 9am- 5pm 

Sunday 3/2: Tech 12pm-5pm 

Monday 3/3: Tech 4pm-9pm 

Tuesday 3/4: Tech 4pm-9pm

Wednesday 3/5: Tech 4pm-9pm


 Performance Dates: Friday      3/7 @ 7pm
                                    Saturday  3/8 @ 2pm
                                    Saturday  3/8 @ 7pm

                                    Sunday    3/9 @ 2pm


Where We Meet: 
Tech Crew Club meets in room M105 (the chorus room) in M Hall.

Please pick your student up in the car rider loop. Students will be directed there at the end of each meeting.


Who Can Join: 
Any interested SPMS student.  We have a limited number of slots (40 students) that will fill up quickly.


A Few Rules You Need to Know:
Be on time for all three meetings and stay until the end - attendance is the main factor when inviting club members to join Tech Crew for the show! Participants are expected to show respect for other tech crew, cast, adults and volunteers at all times. Inappropriate conduct can be cause for dismissal. Cell phones / electronic devices for tech crew club should be turned off and out of sight during the entire length of every meeting.  Club members are not permitted to roam the halls or leave the premises of the school. Please wear comfortable attire appropriate for moving equipment, etc. and closed toed shoes.

Show Tech Crew:  

The middle school has many more students interested in being part of show tech crew than there are positions available! For the spring musical, we will fill 18-20 show tech crew positions from the Tech Crew Club membership. Slots will be offered to Tech Crew Club members in good standing (perfect attendance, behavior, attitude); the placement decision will be made by the Club Coordinator in partnership with the Show Stage Manager/guest speakers. Unfortunately there is a strong likelihood that some very motivated, capable, well-behaved students will not be offered show tech crew slots for this season but they will have priority placement for next year's spring musical. Inappropriate conduct can be cause for dismissal.


If you are selected for Show Tech Crew, there are mandatory tech week rehearsals and an additional mandatory nonrefundable fee of $60 to cover incidentals such as show t-shirt, poster, cast party, etc. will be collected.  You can indicate your interest and availability for Show Tech Crew for the spring musical while signing up for Tech Crew Club.


What if I Have Questions?

Club Sponsor: Spartan Lyrical Society,

Club Faculty Sponsor: Arden Titus,