Spartan Lyrical Society and Severna Park Middle School is excited to announce the 24-25 Musical is...

Show Dates are...

Friday 3/7: 

7:00 pm


Saturday 3/8: 

2:00 pm 

7:00 pm


Sunday 3/9: 

2:00 pm

Cast Party, 4pm-6pm in Cafeteria


Cast List: 

Ainsley A- Honeybee, Kite Flyer, Customer

Cora A- Jane

Marin B- Kite Flyer, Park Stoller, Customer

McKenna B- Birdwoman, Park Stroller, Customer

Avery B- Sweep, Kite Flyer, Customer

Meara B- Park Stroller, Kite Flyer, Customer

Willa B- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Lily C- Clerk, Park Stroller, Messenger, Customer

Ollie C- George

Maya C- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Olivia C- Kite Flyer, Clerk, Customer

Isabella D- Mary Poppins

Ana G- Sweep 2, Statue, Kite Flyer, Customer

Gibson G- Policeman, Clerk, Customer

Tiara G- Mrs. Corry, Sweep

Taylor G- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Kate H- Sweep 4, Statue, Customer, *Jr Dance Captain

Briella H- Sweep 1, Statue, Kite Flyer, Customer

Audrey H- Winifred

Nila H- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Scarlett J- Sweep 3, Statue, Miss Smythe, *Dance Captain

Annie K- Honeybee, Kite Flyer, Park Stroller, Customer

Hadley K- Honeybee, Park Stroller, Customer

Landon L- Michael

Zack M- Bert

Griffin M- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Penny M- Sweep, Kite Flyer, Customer

Jenny M- Sweep, Kite Flyer, Customer

Carly M- Sweep, Kite Flyer, Customer

Sophie M- Miss Andrew, Sweep, Park Stroller, Customer

Lilliana M- Kite Flyer, Park Stroller, Customer

Hadley M- Kite Flyer, Park Stroller, Customer

Cara N- Chairman, Kite Flyer, Customer

Anna P- Kite Flyer, Park Stroller, Customer

Emery P- Katie Nanna, Park Stroller, Kite Flyer, Customer

Zev R- Robertson Ay, Clerk, Customer

Samantha S- Park Stroller, Kite Flyer, Customer

Grant S- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Ashlyn S- Mrs. Brill, Park Stroller, Customer

Nora S- Park Stroller, Honeybee, Customer

Carrington S- Von Hussler, Sweep, Customer

Ella S- Kite Flyer, Honeybee, Customer

Olivia S- Clerk, Park Stroller, Customer

Sophie T- Neleus, Sweep, Customer

Nathan W- Clerk, Kite Flyer, Customer

Maria W- Honeybee, Kite Flyer, Customer

Ada Z- Northbrook, Kite Flyer, Sweep, Customer


Rehearsal Recourses 

Click HERE for score and divisi notes from Anything Can Happen (Finale)!
Divisi is the same as Supercal for Bows!
Everyone sings the melody for m. 72-88 in Feed the Birds!
Click HERE for score and divisi notes from Jolly Holiday!
Click HERE for score and divisi notes from Let's Go Fly a Kite!
All Clerks sing the top note (melody) for Precision And Order!
Click HERE for score and divisi notes from Step In Time!
Click HERE for score and divisi notes from Supercal!
Practice tracks (with voices) click HERE!
Accompaniment tracks (NO voices) click HERE!
Choreography videos click HERE!

Important Dates
Tech Week 

Saturday 3/1: Tech 9am- 5pm 

Sunday 3/2: Tech 12pm-5pm 

Monday 3/3: Tech 4pm-9pm 

Tuesday 3/4: Tech 4pm-9pm 

Wednesday 3/5: Tech 4pm-9pm 

Thursday 3/6: Tech 4pm-9pm (Tentative)



Rehearsals will be held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:15-6:45.

*These dates and times are subject to change week by week.

***Please note rehearsals will now be extended to 6:45 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday due to snow days.*** 


Please click "Rehearsal Schedule" below to access the schedule for the week. It will be posted every Sunday!


Rehearsal Schedule





Chaperone a Rehearsal!                         Join a Show Committee!



In case of an emergency, you can reach our creative team at:


  Kylie Sjolie (Director & Choreographer): or 410-980-4261

Arden Titus (Music Director & Faculty Liaison): 410-647-7900 ext. 8712

Jamie Miller (Producer):